
Highlights let people explore curated sets of records. You create a highlight from a list.

About highlights and lists

Highlights allow easy navigation of a collection by grouping objects together. You can reorganise highlights at any time to focus on current events.

Lists are groups of records. Lists are private until you're ready to publish them as a highlight.

Screenshot of the highlights feature. This example shows a heading, Crown Lynn Potteries, an image of a black teacup and saucer, and a description. The description reads: "Crown Lynn was a New Zealand pottery manufacturer that originated in Auckland. At its peak Crown Lynn was producing 17 million items each year. The Crown Lynn factory closed in 1989 after competition from new Asian pottery manufacturers. Crown Lynn Pottery is now a popular collectors item."

Create a list

  1. Go to Browse data and select a browse option:

    • By Search

    • By Advanced Search

    • By Image Auto Tags

    • By Colours

    • By Saved List

  2. Find the records you want to put in a list.

  3. Select Create List.

  4. Name the list, then select Save.

  5. Add records to the list:

    • Select Add to add individual records to a list.

    • Select List Option > Add all on this page to add all records on the current results page to the list.

Add records to a list

  1. Go to Browse data and select a browse option.

  2. Find the records you want to add to a list. The active list name is shown above the results.

  3. Optional: Select Change Active List and select another list.

  4. Add records to the list:

    • Select Add to add individual records to a list.

    • Select List Option > Add all on this page to add all records on the current results page to the list.

Create a new highlight

  1. Go to Appearance > Highlights.
  2. Select Create a new highlight.
  3. Enter a highlight name. For example, Crown Lynn Potteries, or African Nkondi sculpture.
  4. Enter a highlight ID or public URL. It must be lowercase and can use letters, numbers and hyphens, but not spaces.
  5. Enter a highlight description.
  6. Select Choose File to select an image for your highlight. The image must be:
    • In landscape orientation.

    • Between 1200 and 1500 pixels wide.

    • In .jpg file format (the file extension must be in lower case, that is .jpg not .JPG).

  7. Select Choose saved list, or use the active saved list to set the list of records in the highlight.
  8. Select Save.

Change a highlight

  1. Go to Appearance > Highlights.
  2. Select the name of the highlight.
  3. Change the name, description, image, or saved list.
  4. Select Update.

Delete a highlight

  1. Go to Appearance > Highlights.
  2. Select the name of the highlight.
  3. Select Delete.

Reorder highlights

  1. Go to Appearance > Highlights.
  2. Select the Reorder tab.
  3. Select a highlight.
  4. Use the arrow buttons on the right to move the highlight to its new position in the list.
  5. Select Update Order.